Cohort Component Population Estimates for Ireland, 1911-1920

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Authors: Christopher L. Colvin, Eoin McLaughlin, and Kyle J. J. Richmond
Start Date: 27/01/1911
End Date: 25/03/1920

Description: This is a dataset of vital statistics and cohort component population estimates at a spatially-disaggregated level for the island of Ireland for the period 1911-1920. The raw data were digitised by the authors using official UK government statistics. The population estimates were then derived by the cohort component method. These data provide novel intercensal population estimates at the county level that will be beneficial for researchers working in historical demography, as well as in economic and social history. The data provided can be readily reused and extended by other researchers to produce further series and indicators.

Cite dataset as:
Colvin, C. L. and McLaughlin, E. and Richmond, K. J. J. (2022). Cohort Component Population Estimates for Ireland, 1911-1920. [Data Collection]. Colchester, Essex: UK Data Service. 10.5255/UKDA-SN-854673

Dataset described in:
Colvin, C. L., McLaughlin, E., & Richmond, K. J. J. (2022). Cohort Component Population Estimates for Ireland, 1911–1920: a New County-Level Dataset for Use in Historical Demography, Research Data Journal for the Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(1), 1-18. doi: