
Call for Papers: World Economic History Congress 2025 Session “Clioconsilium”

Call for Papers: World Economic History Congress 2025 (Lund, 28 July – 1 August 2025)

Proposed Session Title: “Clioconsilium: Drawing Lessons from Economic History to Shape Tomorrow’s Public Policy”

Organisers: Chris Colvin (Queen’s University Belfast) and Johan Fourie (Stellenbosch University)

In policymaking, narratives often hold sway, and the stories of our past can serve as the most compelling narratives of all. Analogical reasoning grounded in economic history frequently stands as the most persuasive means to elucidate the merits of a policy to both policymakers and their constituents. By reflecting on past successes, failures, challenges, and transformations, economic history offers a repository of wisdom and lessons. Applied history helps us craft relatable narratives, putting abstract policies into concrete contexts, thereby making them not only more understandable but also more compelling.

Invitation for Submissions:

We invite scholars to submit papers that explore the multifaceted relationship between economic history and its influence on contemporary public policy. Potential topics and questions for consideration include, but are not limited to:

Impactful Research: Which areas of economic history research are poised to have the most significant impact on modern policymaking? What historical events or epochs hold the most relevant lessons for contemporary challenges?

Routes of Dissemination: How can we most effectively bring economic history insights to the desks and minds of policymakers? What are the optimal platforms, mediums, or strategies for ensuring this knowledge isn’t confined to academic journals but instead actively shapes policy discourse?

Limitations of Historical Analogies: While history provides invaluable insights, when might it not be the most useful or appropriate guide for policymaking? What are the pitfalls or challenges of relying too heavily on historical parallels?

Engaging with Policymakers: What are the challenges inherent in translating academic findings into actionable policy recommendations? How can historians and economists bridge the gap between the world of research and the realm of policy?

Comparative Insights: How do different cultures and countries utilize their economic histories in policymaking? Are there universal lessons, or does each nation’s unique history shape its policy trajectory?

Submission Guidelines:

Submissions should ideally meld rigorous academic research with clear implications or recommendations for policy, illuminating how the past can guide the decisions of today. Submissions with a pedagogical agenda are especially encouraged.

Abstracts should be no longer than 300 words. Please include a brief biography or CV with your submission. Submissions should be sent to ceph@qub.ac.uk by 12 January 2024 for consideration. Selected papers will then be proposed as a panel to the World Economic History Congress programme committee by their 31 January 2024 deadline.