
Paul Sharp

University of Southern Denmark

Paul Sharp is Professor of Economic History at the University of Southern Denmark, Odense. He is recognized at home and abroad as a leading authority on Danish economic history, and he currently heads the Historical Economics and Development Group (HEDG) at the Department of Economics, SDU.

Paul Sharp has a strong publication record, publishing frequently in leading journals within his field and more widely. Moreover, he has published books with the University of Chicago Press and Cambridge University Press. His position as one of the leading economic historians in Europe has been recognized in a variety of ways. In 2014 he was appointed a Research Associate at CAGE, University of Warwick, and in 2015 as Research Fellow for the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR). The latter is a prestigious appointment at the highest level of the organization which, in its own words, “includes over 1,300 of the top economists conducting research on issues affecting the European economy”.

Paul is an accomplished PI, and currently supervises 2 PhD students and 1 post.doc, with 6 previous PhD students as main or co-supervisor. He is managing several grants at present, including one of around 6 million kroner from Independent Research Fund Denmark. In 2016 he was awarded the highest level of Independent Research Fund Denmark’s Sapere Aude grant (at that time level 2). His research has been recognized through prizes, and through press coverage at home and abroad.

Paul’s services to the profession are many. He is editor of the European Historical Economics Society’s working paper series, editor of the Scandinavian Economic History Review, is on the editorial board of Cliometrica and is senior editor for economic history of the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance. From 2017-21 he is a trustee of the American Economic History Association. He has been Chair of the Danish Society for Economic and Social History since 2014, and from 2018-22 was elected president of the umbrella organization, the Scandinavian Society for Economic and Social History. He referees for many journals and publishers from various fields, is frequently asked to serve on grant and PhD evaluation committees abroad, and within Denmark has served as an expert on panels and committees for for example the Danish Central Bank and Statistics Denmark.

Email: pauls@sam.sdu.dk