CEPH is delighted to announce its first call for papers as part of the CEPH Irish Research Initiative. The workshop, which focuses on the theme of ‘Industrial Policy and Globalisation in Ireland’, will be held on June 10th 2024 online. It is an opportunity for researchers of Irish economic and industrial policy to present research in a friendly environment. Full details of the call can be found below.
Industrial Policy and Globalisation in Ireland
CEPH Irish Research Initiative (CIRI) workshop
Location: Trinity College Dublin (Online)
Date: 10 June 2024
Ireland’s economic performance was influenced by the world around her. In the nineteenth century, proximity to British trade and capital is said to have stifled economic growth. Thus, after securing independence, Ireland opted for protectionist policies that were designed to separate it from a reliance on Britain. Afterwards, economic openness and a privileged location on the Atlantic seaboard provided a convenient platform to access European and American markets, attracting multinational companies for more than half a century. However, openness has presented challenges to the rising “Celtic Tiger.” These include a vulnerability to global market shocks, shifts in investor sentiments, and volatile foreign capital flows.
As part of the Centre for Economics, Policy, and History’s (CEPH) ongoing efforts to encourage and promote economic history research on Ireland, CEPH will be hosting a virtual workshop under the banner of the CEPH Irish Research Initiative (CIRI). This CIRI workshop will provide a platform for researchers and practitioners to present new studies on the evolution of industrial policy and the impact of globalisation in Ireland. We welcome papers both on the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. Areas of interest for this call include:
1. Protectionist policies and the problems of a closed economy post-independence
2. Lessons from Import Substitution Industrialisation.
3. The age of the open economy: Tax reforms and export-led growth.
4. Foreign Direct Investment and growth.
5. Population change, employment, and migration.
6. Tariffs, trade, and global value chains.
7. The impact of Brexit on Irish trade.
8. Financial networks and Irish capital abroad.
9. The Celtic Tiger and the Asian Tigers: Similarities and differences.
Papers are not limited to these topics and we also welcome related studies that are thematically relevant to the workshop. We particularly encourage early career academics, PhD, and master’s graduates to submit their research.
The presented papers will subsequently be collated as discussion papers on the CEPH website, https://ceph.ie/, and promoted through our dissemination channels. This workshop is an ideal opportunity for researchers to refine research topics they may have considered in the past, and hopefully build towards publication. This could be through individual publication, or special issue in journal related to the overarching workshop theme.
Submission information
Interested scholars are encouraged to submit an abstract of not more than 400 words. These should be emailed to Lloyd at l.maphosa@qub.ac.uk before 03 May 2024.
For more information, please email: Professor Patrick Honohan at phonohan@tcd.ie Dr Lloyd Maphosa at l.maphosa@qub.ac.uk